Alright Ladies and Germs I'm about to post part one of the most ambitious project I have done to date, 'Timmy and Boo: Dog Fight Ringers'. This cartoon was started last year as a university assignment for my major creative project. After slogging away at the project for a whole 10ish weeks I came up with 6 minutes of the original script. It's not the complete script, I honestly just didn't have the time to finish it but the cartoon at least finishes on a nice cliff hanger. After another year the cartoon is closer to completion but still nowhere near finished so I figured why not just release the first part and see how audiences react. It's certainly the most structured and thought out cartoon I have done so far. I know I could have done a lot better with the animation but I had to cut corners to at least reach a semi finished product. Overall though with some technical short comings I do think people are going to like this one.